Sunday, April 16, 2017

Final Demonstration for “Combating Oppression and Championing Empowerment in Higher Education Workplaces”

(Click image to view final demonstration.)

Group Members and Roles:

Group Members
Commented On
Lisa Melby
·        Choosing the final project
·        Choosing a multi-media format to showcase the completion of the project, design/layout of the project
·        Responsible for any edits
o   Created videos
·        Group leader
o   Designed infographic
Group 1, 2, 3, & 4
Alyssa McGrath
·        Making “Audio 1” explaining how we created the final project
·        Wrote infographic  
·        Responsible for edits
·        Contributed to creative process
Experiential Learning (Group 1); Self-Directed Learning (Group 3)

Michael Szajewski
·        Creating “Audio 2” - Survival memo and suggestions for future students
·        Creating the “table” that is put under the title of the assignment, listing the roles of group members and which blogs were commented on.
·        Responsible for edits
·        Contributed to creative process
Narrative Learning, Self-Directed Learning


  1. Wow, your demonstration is fantastic! This one is probably my favorite. I have never used Padlet before, that is so cool. The website is very creative and informative. I'm sure this will be used as an example for upcoming classes. Good job, everyone!

  2. Your demonstration really looks great! I agree that starting the next part of the project right after the previous part ends goes a long way toward keeping things moving, especially when you're the group leader for that section. It gives you a chance to set up a framework so you don't waste time later. I'd never heard of PowToon, but will be sure to check it out now. Great job!

  3. Wow I love the format! I have never heard of Padlet or Powtoon; thank you for giving us more multi media tools in our tool boxes! Beyond that your content was wonderful too!

    Thanks Laticia

  4. Your page is fantastic! The two videos were thorough and well done. They were both detailed and it was nice to introduce the professional reviewers in this way. I really liked the visual for completing the project design. While we all had a component like this in our final demonstrations it was nice to see it in one scroll not having to move from slide to slide. Powtoon appears to be a very cool tool!

  5. I really enjoyed the animation of your group members. I will be taking a look at the platform you used to make your videos, they were very eye catching. I think the way you listed out the steps of your process was thorough but not too detailed. Great Job!!

  6. Very good summaries of your projects. I really liked the media you guys used to, it was interesting and entertaining. I thought you first video did a great job of reviewing your whole project and the second one had some great tips for getting the project done. I also really liked your use of Padlet to put everything together. Good job.

  7. Great job guys! The videos were awesome! Its crazy we had similar ideas with using cartoons for the videos. I've never heard of Powtoon. I just use pictures from Bitstrips to do my group's final demonstration. I also love the webpage! Overall, I've very impressed!

  8. Lisa, Alyssa and Michael,

    I really like two videos you created and the Steps of Completing Our Project Design. You have included quite a lot of information in 2-3 minutes. Your introduction of how to survive the program design is very informative.


    1. Use bullet points to list the ideas in Introduction and your demonstration notes. It will be easier for your readers to read.

    2. If you can, put the information in two columns, instead of three, which is difficult for some readers to read if they have smaller computers.

    3. The words in Steps of Completing Our Project are very small. You can make them larger.

